Work & Play at Lakewood Camps

It’s a murky line between work and play when you have a job at Lakewood Camps, but that’s just the way it should be. A dream job for an outdoors-obsessed teen such as myself, I was lucky to find myself working at the camps for a little over a week this June. Between learning valuableContinue reading “Work & Play at Lakewood Camps”

2023: A Year on the Water

2023: What a whirlwind of a year it has been! As a senior in high school, it’s been the year of college for me – even though my time in college won’t start until next year. While college applications and an intense academic and athletic schedule sucked up much of my time, I made aContinue reading “2023: A Year on the Water”

Something in the Orange

Orange is the color of autumn. Orange pumpkins adorn front steps; fire-orange oak leaves set the fall landscape ablaze; brook trout’s bellies darken to a deep orange in preparation for spawning. But despite how seasonally-appropriate and functional my orange Black Diamond rain jacket is, perhaps it wasn’t the right choice for stalking ultra-spooky brown trout.Continue reading “Something in the Orange”

Maine Streamer Season

Fly fishing is widely considered a gentleman’s sport. In pursuing fish on the fly, we actively handicap ourselves to give our “opponents” a leg up. We cast tiny flies on flimsy tippets in the hopes of fooling educated trout. Our movements are slow and calculated; one false step could be a lost chance. Success, ifContinue reading “Maine Streamer Season”

Native Fish Coalition x White Mountains

Thanks to a Native Fish Coalition rendezvous in the White Mountains last weekend, my four-year dry spell of fishing in the region has finally ended. Some of my earliest memories of fly fishing and conservation come from these mountains, where I spent my summers exploring the woods and waters of northern New Hampshire at BarryContinue reading “Native Fish Coalition x White Mountains”

2023 TU Teen Summit

It was a scene straight out of the apocalypse: thick coils of barbed wire surrounded the crumbling hilltop, shards of dry, discarded stone crunching under our feet. 900 feet below, a highly toxic pool filled with water the color of the Statue of Liberty silently melted away at the hillside. A siren wailed as ourContinue reading “2023 TU Teen Summit”

Trial, Error, and Success

There’s something to be said for the merits of “comfortable” fishing. Bluegill fishing takes you back to summertime childhood memories; stocked trout fishing marks the start of spring; and blue lining takes you on wild adventures. I’ll always love the simplicity of fishing freshwater rivers and lakes for familiar species – but there comes aContinue reading “Trial, Error, and Success”

Legging Up

“Legging up” is an equestrian term used to describe the slow conditioning of a horse after a winter break. This process involves gradually increasing the horse’s exercise regimen throughout the early spring, so it can build the necessary strength and stamina to perform at its best. Similarly, preparing for the fishing season involves gradually increasingContinue reading “Legging Up”

First of Many

For diehard anglers, catching the first fish of the year is always a highly anticipated event – sometimes even a stressful one. It’s funny how, in an attempt to affirm our commitment to a sport that brings us so much enjoyment and contentment, we can drive ourselves nutty in the process. It’s as if weContinue reading “First of Many”